Guidelines for a robotic friendly environment

We believe that a robot friendly public space should be available to everyone. This means that robotic technology should be embraced in order to promote humanrobot interaction, collaboration, and learning. We believe that public spaces should be designed to be inclusive and welcoming of robots, and should provide the necessary infrastructure and resources to enable robots to interact with humans. We also believe that robots should be used to create a more efficient and safe public space, while still maintaining the privacy and safety of people. Finally, we believe that a robot friendly public space should serve as an opportunity for people to learn more about robotics and the possibilities of robotic technology.


Do you want to develop a robot favourable public space? 

Develop Policies & Regulations

Governments should create policies and regulations for public spaces that will allow for the safe and responsible deployment and utilization of robotics. This should include safety, security, and privacy standards, as well as guidelines for ethical use of robotics.

Provide Infrastructure and Resources

Governments should invest in infrastructure and resources that will enable the deployment and utilization of robotics in public spaces. This could include the installation of robotic charging stations, the development of smart networks for communications and data exchange, and the establishment of local testbeds for experimentation and development.

Educate the public

Governments should invest in public education and awareness campaigns to help the public understand the potential benefits and risks associated with robotics in public spaces. This should include teaching the public how to interact with robots, how to identify potential risks, and how to report any potential problems.

Develop Partnerships

Governments should seek out partnerships with private companies, research institutions, and other organizations to help develop and test robotics in public spaces. These partnerships would help to ensure the safe and ethical use of robotics in public spaces.

Monitor & Review continuous

Governments should regularly monitor and review developments in robotics in public spaces and their impacts on society. This could include conducting surveys, evaluations, or other research to better understand how robotics are being used in public spaces and their effects on society.
